Dear Supporters, Like you, we of Save the Pleasant Hill Dome are grieving, and we are devastated. 

It's gone. 

We were preparing to take further legal action but were blind-sided, in part because we received misleading information from the city, or from misleading information SyWest shared with the city. As an organization, we were trying to move in a responsible way through the process, including reaching out to work with the different parties involved. It's shocking that there are entities out there that could act with so little regard to the overwhelming beliefs, values and feelings of a community. 

We have been so profoundly moved and inspired by everyone's love for the Dome, and your support for our efforts. Again, we wish the outcome would have been different. 

We're trying to figure out our next steps, even with the loss of the Dome. We would like to find a way to memorialize this beloved icon that gave so much pleasure to so many of us. We will soon be in touch with our supporters, and would be interested in hearing from you about what you think our next steps should be. 

Thank you again, and thanks to the Dome for all the amazing memories you have given to us. We will always love you.



The Pleasant Hill City Council COULD have stopped this BUT DID NOT!


Jack Weir

David E. Durant

Tim Flaherty

Ken Carlson

Mayor Michael G. Harris

Let them know How You Feel BY Clicking here

or you can write to them at:

100 Gregory Lane,
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

There was a great turnout at the appeal hearing on May 6! Over 200 people showed up! Thank you. There were around 50+ public comments (only one was anti-Dome) and in total took about two-and-a-half hours to get through. It was 2:30 AM when the Council voted and it was 3-2 against SPHD.

Jack Weir, David E. Durant and Tim Flaherty voted against The Dome! For that, we are disappointed in them greatly.

Let them know How You Feel BY Clicking here


Mayor Michael G. Harris and Ken Carlson voted for the Dome. But Voted Against it in March 2013. Let them know How You Feel.

Let them know How You Feel BY Clicking here

or you can write to them all at:

100 Gregory Lane,
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

City of Pleasant Hill, 100 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523  Ph: (925) 671-5270



From the "Save the Pleasant Hill Dome Theatre" Campaign:

FAQs May 8 2013 PDF

The attorney we have retained, Mark Wolfe, has sent a letter to the City of Pleasant Hill, stating our view that the April 1, 2013 demolition permit it issued to SyWest was in violation of state and municipal law. He is asking the city to rescind the permit.

Let's See Movies Again in The Dome! The "World Famous" Dome would be a shame to Lose Forever for ALL of Contra Costa County AND California!